Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Quilt

Well I worked on this all day today and I am really happy with the results.  I still have to Bat it, back it and quilt it, but.... maybe later.  I also don't have any fabric to back it right now.  That seems like an excuse to go to Sanzo!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring Fling

Here are some videos from Amaya's gymnastics competition.  This was her first competeition for Level 1 gymnastics.  Contestants were rated Good, Great or Excellent.
  Amaya received an excellent for this beam routine.  She worked pretty hard at it.

Here is the Bars routine, Most of the level one girl can't get over without a coach's help, but Amaya is getting pretty good at the dismount. 

Friday, April 17, 2009

Beautiful Mess

Oh To be crafting again.  The first thing I did when Lent was over...Wash my fabric!!!!  I forgot how much I enjoyed washing and ironing suck pretty fabric.  But boy does it look like a mess.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

First Holy Communion

Wow!  Three and a half Hours!!! I can not say I have EVER been in church so long.  Amaya did a wonderful job and took communion with grace.  She even drank the wine, I didn't know they served children so it was a bit of a shock!!  She said it was gross if that helps =).

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Amaya didn't give up crafting for lent!!!

Amaya didn't give up anything for lent this year and has been on quite the crafting kick.  I guess she can't help it they offer such great classes here!!  Before spring break started Amaya took a two hour beading class with Jet Seeto at Crafty Things, she made the prettiest bracelet that I was told I would NOT be the recipient of come Christmas time!  The Jennifer and Amaya went to paint pottery at the Mud Factory and I love how her bunny turned out and how she thought to give him colorful polka dots!!!  Next on to the Bunny bag class with Miss Anastasia.  I was really shocked when I came to pick her up and Amaya was so proud that she had hand sewn, and not with the bad plastic needles I give her!!!  Wednesday was stuffed Bunny class and I have to admit, it is so much cuter then the display one for the class (I almost talked her out of the class because of the homely little bunny =)  Thursday and yesterday were paper mache Easter baskets, so lets see what happens, more later...

Getting better

    Well We are all still feeling very sad about Amelia, but I think because she died peaceful it make it easier.  This last week Amelia was in so much pain and she could no longer walk.  Amaya seems to be on the mend the best, so I don't want to say anything to her if she is doing well, but then I wonder if I am missing a good opportunity to talk to her.  There really should be like just ONE parenting book that has all the answers!!!

   I am home today and spring cleaning has begun full steam in our house.  Cleaning Amaya's room is a bit sickening as you see how much of her stuff was never opened, maybe being an only child is not such a good thing!!!!  We are going to take a bunch of stuff to the next garage sale we can and try to sell everything.  Seeing as Kaivon and I now owe our savings like a billion dollars this will be a good idea!  Here's to spring cleaning!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Very Sad Day for our Family

As most of you know Amelia has been sick since birth and today we bid her goodbye.  She was a wonderful dog and we are going to be very sad without her in our family.  

Saturday, April 4, 2009

New Projects

Lent is almost over, just one week more! I am so excited about some of the projects I have lined up. I have three homemade projects to complete for my cousin Keith and his wife Michelle, they are having a baby, yeah!!! I also have a quilt already cut out that just needs to be sewn and one that needs to be started from scratch. I am taking a Log Cabin quilting class with Barbie at the end of the month and need to get some fabric (any excuse to go to Sanzo would do!). I also wrote Shannon to see if she can give private lessons for two more baskets I want to weave and Louise about helping me finish crocheting this blanket!!! So I should be really busy, which is fine by me, these last weeks have been very difficult.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I Blame Christa2!!!!

The amount of fabric in my house has reached epidemic proportions.  I am awaiting the world health organization to come and shut me down soon.  With giving up crafting for lent my piles have grown since I haven't stopped buying for lent (is that cheating?).  I have so many plans in my head and hopefully the night of Easter I can start back up, until then, housing chaos!!!